11 Best Tips To Follow When Traveling

When you travel, some things are out of your control, but there are a few steps you can take to stay safe and keep your trip on track. When traveling abroad, always remember these 11 important tips to follow.

Arrive on time

If you're taking a flight, be sure to arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before your domestic flight and two to three hours ahead of an international one. Keep track of any new travel alerts or warnings issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs. The last thing you want is to miss your flight.

Make copies of important documents

Bring along extra copies of all important documents, including your passport, medical prescriptions, and your travel insurance certificate; it will be easier to replace them if they are lost.

Pack any prescription medicine in their original marked containers.

If you need daily medication, ask your doctor if one month's supply is safe. If so, bring that much in its original container and pack plenty of extra supplies just to be on the safe side. Pack a small toiletry bag inside your carry-on luggage with all the medical essentials needed.

Use covered luggage tags

Tag your luggage with covered tags that have your address, email address, and phone number on it. This will greatly help the authorities to locate you if your bag gets lost or misplaced. Another smart tip is to use your office address rather than your home address.

Traveling with kids

If traveling with children, bring a recent photo of each of them with you and store them on your mobile phone if possible. If your children become separated from you, these photos would come in very useful for the authorities to identify them and reunite them with you.

Leave valuables, like expensive jewelry, at home.

You don't want to be the victim of a robbery while you are enjoying your well-deserved vacation. Avoid traveling with valuable items during holiday periods, when thieves are known to conduct more crimes.

Be wary of pickpockets

Carry your money, credit cards, and passport in a pouch or money pack worn underneath your outer clothes. Also, be discreet and do not flash large amounts of money (or your passport) in public. Pickpockets often work in teams; one or more people will distract you while another steals your valuables.

Familiarise yourself with the laws governing the country you are visiting

Carry your If you are not sure what the laws say, ask someone you trust to give you an overview of the country and dummy some advice on how to behave. There are also a lot of websites and apss you can use to study with during your travels

Learn some new words

If you do not speak the local language, learn a few key phrases in case you need assistance. Making an effort and speaking a little of their language will help you seem less like a tourist and more like someone who is trying to get to know them.

Use common sense

Don’t walk in unfamiliar areas at night, don’t accept rides in unmarked taxis, and don’t accept packages with unknown contents. Keep yourself and your things safe by being aware of your surroundings at all times.

Get travel insurance

Accidents happen all the time, which is why having good  travel insurance  could save your life. Knowing you have financial backup will put your mind at ease when traveling abroad.